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The build-up to Christmas is usually filled with parties, lots of celebration drinks and meals out. Running around sorting out presents, wrapping them, organising the food, prepping it, cooking it and eventually sitting down to a meal with family and friends.

It can all seem a bit much even though the time invested is usually worth it.


While I don’t suggest following a diet over the Christmas and New Year period (although sensible eating is advised), the stress and frenzy of the season can see your exercise fall away as your days become busier in the build up to Christmas Day.


Add to that the extra alcohol and food you consume you may feel like you have undone all your hard work; but can I assure you that a few days of over eating won’t undo 12 months of hard work. The time we spend with our family and friends is more important than sticking to your calories over this period. Laughing and enjoying yourself is so important to your state of mind and social wellbeing.


If you haven’t been exercising regularly up to this point then maybe you should consider starting now so that you don’t repeat the same cycle in 12 months time. So that you can wake up after Christmas and just get back into it; so you wake up after Christmas not feeling and looking heavier than you did 12 months ago.


Right about now you’re feeling bloated, maybe your joints are achy, maybe a bit hungover, tired, lethargic and a bit like a couch potato from eating and drinking too much.


So what can you do??


Get back to training.

Go for a long walk.

Get some fresh air.

Start being more active especially if you’re not working between now and the New Year.

Start seeing exercise as a way to improve your health and lifestyle and not just as a means of losing weight.

Stop making excuses and just start where your at.

Exercise should be a positive activity in your life – not something you dread or hate doing.


So get up off the couch, leave the dishes and mess from Christmas and get out and start moving.


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personal trainer near me, Winchmore hill, fat loss, weight loss

You spend months training in the lead up to your summer holiday desperately trying to lose the weight you have gained in the past 12 months. You do a great job and now the holiday is over what do you do???

After 13 years in the fitness industry one of the biggest drop offs in training is after summer.

You lose motivation as you were single goal focused.

You quietly slip back into old habits.

You stop going to the gym as much.

You start eating more.

You figure summer is over so you don’t have to try anymore.

You gain what you lost and next year have to start over again


Does this sound familiar??


This approach to exercise while it is good in the lead up to your holiday doesn’t actually lead to ongoing results year in and year out. You stop training only have to repeat the same process next year as you let yourself go.


May I encourage you to see past the short term goal and set goals that will take you past summer and into next year. This summer don’t make the same mistakes.



Imagine if you didn’t have to go on crazy diets and training plans in the lead up to your holiday.

Imagine if you made exercise part of your life all year round.

Imagine how each year you got better and better, lost more weight, kept it off and get even better results.


This year – have a think about what you would like to achieve by Christmas and into the new year?

Think about the strength or fitness goals you may have that will take longer to achieve and switch your focus from just losing weight for holidays.

Start making exercise part of your life, enjoy, work hard, eat well, have a social life and next year you will find that you feel and look better for all your dedication.

If you have lost your motivation to train or you want to get started contact us about our 30 day trial

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personal trainer near me, Winchmore hill,

Training doesn’t have to be unenjoyable.

Most of the dislike we may have for exercise dates back to old gyms with rows of cardio machines, a weights room full of equipment that you don’t know how to use and a list of classes that require you to be able to move to a beat.

Exercise has changed a lot in the past 10 years – the options available to you have changed even if you haven’t been keeping up.

Our aim is to adapt the training we do to your goals and your starting point. To make it less daunting and more achievable.

The idea of exercise shouldn’t be one of fear or dread. Moving more gives you so many health benefits and will add quality of life. Movement is essential to life.

Exercise doesn’t always need to challenge you – it all depends what you want to get out of it.

More often than not our members are new to training and have never set foot in a gym.

They find a place to call home as we meet you where your at and start there.

We coach you every step of the way and are always there to help you in your journey.

If you want to lose weight then yes you have to challenge yourself; however It can still be hard but not hated!

To get started you need to find people that raise you up and trust me, it gets easier

We always say that it doesn’t matter what your goal is, what point you’re starting at or your level of experience.

The fact you have stepped out and started is a massive win and you can only get better and improve on yourself.

Contact us to come in for a chat about our 30 day trial

Prove to yourself that you can get started again and move forward.

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strong women, female fitness,



Weight training has so many benefits especially for women. In my experience as a trainer for over 10 years, this is what I see happens when my new female clients start doing resistance training

  1. They become stronger and more confident
  2. They start to find muscles they never knew existed and tune into themselves a bit more
  3. Their Posture improves
  4. They lose weight
  5. Their shape starts to change and they become more toned
  6. They are constantly surprising themselves with what they can do in training – this applies to anything from doing push ups, pulling a sled and lifting barbells off the ground.
  7. Under the right supervision and correct training my clients are amazed at what their bodies can do. More often than not my female clients are stronger than they think!
  8. They are more flexible and have less aches and pains – A great 10-15 min movement and stretch preparation before training will help increase flexibility and reinforce good technique when training
  9. Improved quality of life, the ability to get through the day with energy left to enjoy other things in life


The common myth around why women avoid weight training is that they don’t want to get too big or look bulky, therefore they opt for cardio training instead as a way of trying to lose weight. There are a growing number of women who are now reaping the benefits of switching to resistance training.

Research suggests weight training can slow down the aging process, helps to build muscle mass, can help in blood sugar regulation, helps prevent osteoporosis and increases energy expenditure.

What stops women I train from starting a weight/circuit program is –

  1. Feelings of looking silly and out of place in the gym
  2. Not knowing where to start
  3. Not knowing what they need to do
  4. Not having someone there to show them
  5. Having to do it alone


At Fitness Hub 21 our clients don’t necessarily have a history of training, they simply want to be fit and healthy as they age, have a stronger core, and in some cases lose weight.

Our gym provides the ideal environment for anyone to keep fit – it’s boutique, private and welcoming. What’s more is that the training sessions are fun!

We support each other and share in our individual improvements.

To get started on our 30 day trial contact Lisa