You spend months training in the lead up to your summer holiday desperately trying to lose the weight you have gained in the past 12 months. You do a great job and now the holiday is over what do you do???
After 13 years in the fitness industry one of the biggest drop offs in training is after summer.
You lose motivation as you were single goal focused.
You quietly slip back into old habits.
You stop going to the gym as much.
You start eating more.
You figure summer is over so you don’t have to try anymore.
You gain what you lost and next year have to start over again
Does this sound familiar??
This approach to exercise while it is good in the lead up to your holiday doesn’t actually lead to ongoing results year in and year out. You stop training only have to repeat the same process next year as you let yourself go.
May I encourage you to see past the short term goal and set goals that will take you past summer and into next year. This summer don’t make the same mistakes.
Imagine if you didn’t have to go on crazy diets and training plans in the lead up to your holiday.
Imagine if you made exercise part of your life all year round.
Imagine how each year you got better and better, lost more weight, kept it off and get even better results.
This year – have a think about what you would like to achieve by Christmas and into the new year?
Think about the strength or fitness goals you may have that will take longer to achieve and switch your focus from just losing weight for holidays.
Start making exercise part of your life, enjoy, work hard, eat well, have a social life and next year you will find that you feel and look better for all your dedication.