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The push for us to eat less meat is growing, and many have opted for a plant-based life.

For some its ethical, for others it’s a way to spend less, for others it’s a belief that being a vegan or veggie is healthier.




I think you need to do your research if you’re going to cut out all animal protein and opt for plants only. If you’re vegan and all you eat is fast food, highly processed fake meat, minimal veg and poor-quality fats then your health isn’t probably going to be great.

Not all veggie or vegan food is created equal, many of the foods can contain loads of preservatives, bad fats and fillers that can make you feel worse and aren’t good for your health (the same is true for all processed food products).

On the other hand, if you know what plant-based foods contain the proteins you need, if you eat a variety of fruit and veg, good quality fats and organic soy products you will probably be much healthier overall.

The same goes for meat eaters – eating meat won’t make you unhealthy but if your diet is highly processed, low in fruit and veg and quality fats then yes it can lead to that.


You can have the same healthy approach to nutrition whether you’re a meat or a plant eater. Eat real food, eat as much unprocessed food as possible and eat a variety.

I think you can be healthy eating meat or eating plants.

Food is your first medicine, the food choices you make today will have an impact on your health, skin, weight gain/loss, mood and energy levels. So be smart and nourish your body with quality over quantity.


Find a great cookbook, vegan or otherwise; and go shopping to make healthy meals not just for convenience.

Make a plan around what you want to eat; and keep it simple.


This post isn’t pro vegan or pro meat – it’s pro health.


Have a think about how healthy what you eat is?

Could it be better?

What changes do you need to make?

Are you switching to vegan just to be healthier?

Have you made a plan around how you will accomplish this without meat?


Don’t blindly do something without first doing some of your own research.


Just something to think about.