- Calorie swaps– take your normal snack, work out how many calories it is then replace it with something that is lower calorie.
- Plan ahead with your meals– make extra dinner so that is lunch the next day.
- Get your food delivered– If never having food in the house is an issue, then get it delivered.
- Buy meals that you want to eat not just random items– Don’t just buy food but plan the meals you are going to eat and shop accordingly then you won’t be left with no food in the house and feel tempted to get takeaway.
- Taking fruit to work or healthier snacks lower in calories– saying I won’t eat the cake in the office is hard, a way to combat this is to take a healthier option with you so that you don’t feel so left out.
- Have a smaller breakfast, lunch or dinner– eating 100-200 kcals less in a meal adds up over time, helping to create a calorie deficit.
- Eliminate a meal a day– skip lunch on a Sunday because you had a late breakfast.
- Have smaller portions– just reduce the size of each meal across a day – if you took just 50 calories out of every meal x 3 = 150 kcals a day you not eating, times that by 5-7 days a week and you have cut out 750-1050kcals a week. A little each time adds up to a lot over the weeks and months. (give example of 50kcals – meat, rice, toast etc
- Watch your fat portions(only as they have 9kcals per gram as opposed to 4kcal per gram with carbs and protein – 2 tsp butter = 90kcals, if you eat 2 slices of bread (give calories then have 2 tsp butter each slice that’s – work out the calories – maybe just have 1 slice or reduce the amount of butter (we all need fat in our diet but just be mindful of your intake)
- Introduce lower carb days– If you are a heavy carb eater than maybe have 2-3 lower carb days a week – it’s not the lower carbs that make you lose weight but that fact that the thing you overeat the most is reduced for 2-3 days a week therefore you will be eating less calories. Make sure you increase your protein and veg intake on those days.