How are you tracking so far???
1/12th of the year has passed – just like that it’s February.
How are you tracking with those New Year resolutions??
Hopefully you remember what they are.
If you’re on track and motivated – fantastic. Keep up the good work.
If you need to start again – then do just that, put it behind you and keep moving forward.
No one said it would be easy, but it will be worth it.
Work hard, be consistent, stay focused and do it with a smile on your face.
No matter how many times you fail, just keep getting up and moving forward.
I have always learnt more from the times I failed than the times it all went my way.
Are you lacking motivation?
Here are a few ways you can help increase your motivation to reach a goal.
Give yourself a reward.
Ask a friend to go with you.
Create reasons why you will succeed.
Have a bigger vision.
Find a way to achieve your goal that makes you happy.
Own your own goal – be accountable to yourself.
Find others who can support you.
Ultimately your desire to change has to be greater than your desire to stay the same.
Motivation is never constant – sometimes you need to ask yourself the question…..
What do I want more to lose weight or to eat what I want?
What do I want more to watch tv every night or sacrifice (or invest) an hour to go to the gym?
What do I want more monthly spending on stuff I don’t really need or using that money as an investment into my health by getting a trainer or joining a Small Group PT Gym?
If you’re constantly struggling to get started and have no motivation then maybe you just don’t want it enough….or maybe you need to try something different to motivate yourself.
Admitting that you can’t do it on your own and that maybe a coach would help isn’t a bad thing, it’s actually a step forward. If you can’t stay motivated doing it on your own but you can when surrounded by others and great coaches than do just that.
If you don’t know where to start as its all too overwhelming then contact us at Fitness Hub 21 – hello@fitnesshub21.com or phone 07923471006.