Please do not come and train if you’re unwell – you can chose to do an online session instead

As we begin to reopen and a newer and better Fitness Hub 21 emerges…

Essentially starting with a blank canvas has allowed us to put the necessary measures in place such as brand new kit, changing the layout to comply with new regulations and introduction of new cleaning and sanitising regimes.

The seriousness of the Coronavirus situation deserves new levels of stringency. Our response is to instigate a strict plan of initiatives to protect and reassure our members when we reopen our doors.

As members of The IFBA (International Fitness Business Alliance) we have direct support on our response to Coronavirus through UK Active (The national body that lobbies the Government on behalf of the Health and Fitness Industry) to make sure that what we are doing is ahead of government guidelines and ensuring the safety of members and staff.


Entry and exit doors will be opened by members of the coaching team. Extra hand sanitising stations have been positioned around the gym for members and staff  to use.

No personal belongings will be allowed on the gym floor – including keys and mobile phones.


All kit will be sanitised in between sessions by the members after use. All other touchpoints (such as door handles/water fountain) will be sanitised by members of staff in between each session.

Spray, cloths and antibacterial gym wipes will be provided.

Full sanitisation of the gym will take place daily by staff. External cleaning company will come in once per month to do a full decontamination of the space.


Government guidelines have suggested 100sqft minimum per person. However we will be going above and beyond that and at 150sq ft per person.

Our sessions will be maximum 4 members with 1 coach, 50% reduced for your safety

We will continue to use our booking system to ensure that numbers are restricted.

No children or spectators will be allowed at this time.

15 minute window in between sessions to allow for safe flow of members leaving and arriving.

Members will not be allowed to enter building until maximum 5 minutes before start of session.

Social distancing will be reinforced at the start of every session.


Individual workstations will be provided.

No ‘face to face’ working out – layout will encourage back to back or side to side positioning.

Coaches will have set positions to be able to coach at a distance.

Programming will be done to ensure that there is minimal if any need to share equipment.

If equipment has to be shared then it will be sanitised in between each use.


Members will be encouraged to arrive in their gym gear and go home to change and shower.

All personal belongings are to be put in the storage provided.

Members must provide their own towels. No sweat towels will be provided.


Windows and internal doors will be open where appropriate.

We have fans that will point towards the windows to keep fresh air coming in


Music will be set at an appropriate volume so there is no need to raise voices or shout to be heard.


Keeping the team safe

Trainers will be provided with guidance on best practices for their own safety

A no touch policy will be in place, meaning that trainers will not be allowed to change your weights, spot you or give any kind of physical touch

Trainers will be asked to wear clean uniform every shift

All trainers will be required to take temperate checks for themselves and to report if they have any potential symptoms

If you are new to Fitness Hub 21, you’ll benefit from our 21 Day Trial.